BAM Construct UK has won a place on the new billion-pound Government Hubs Fit-Out Framework.

BAM will be able to compete against seven contractors in each of two lots. Both Lot 2 and Lot 3 comprise projects below £25 million; Lot 2 in the north of the UK and Lot 3 in the south of the UK. (Lot 1 is for projects above £25 million.)

BAM’s integrated model has been a significant element of the company’s offer. The expertise of BAM Design and BAM Service Engineering has complemented those of BAM Construction. BAM’s design skills in particular complement those of its construction team in the context of fit-out schemes.

The Framework is managed by consultants Turner and Townsend and the major client is HMRC. The Framework may be extended later to other Government departments. It is expected to generate upwards of £900 million in orders over its four year period.

“The management of the programme has proven very impressive to this point, with an emphasis on collaboration, innovation, continuous improvement, and measurable outputs. This suits our business model well, and plays to our skill sets and our expertise.

“We’re very pleased to have qualified for what will be an important development and which forms a valuable part of the Government’s efficiency drive in its estate management.”

Louise Suggett

BAM’s Framework Manager

The Government Hubs Programme is a central part of reshaping the Civil Service office estate and will help to reduce it from around 800 to around 200 buildings by 2023. The HMRC programme will re-orientate 170 HMRC offices into 13 Regional Centres, equipped with digital infrastructure and training facilities to support the transformation of the HMRC.

The programme will deliver a range of fit-out projects across the UK, producing quality and flexible working spaces accommodating more efficient and modern ways of working.